
World Water Day is Here

World Water Day is an event celebrated every year in March. The day focuses attention on the importance of universal access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in developing countries as well as focusing on advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Many organisations and Governments promote clean water for people and sustainable aquatic habitats by way of events such as theatrical and musical celebrations, educational events, and campaigns to raise money for access to clean and affordable water.

why waste water posterUN-Water, an inter-agency entity of the United Nations, selects a theme for World Water Day each year. Previous themes have included: ‘Why Waste Water?’ in 2017, ‘Water and Jobs’ in 2016, and ‘Water and Sustainable Development’ in 2015.

The scope of UN-Water’s work encompasses all aspects of freshwater, including surface and groundwater resources and the interface between fresh and sea water. It includes:

  • Freshwater resources – both in terms of their quality and quantity, their development, assessment, management, monitoring and use (including, for example, domestic uses, agriculture and ecosystems requirements
  • Sanitation – both access to and use of sanitation by populations and the interactions between sanitation and freshwater
  • Water-related disasters, emergencies and other extreme events and their impact on human security

World Water Day has seen an increase in the amount and type of education initiatives within schools and universities, raising awareness of the importance managing water resources.

The first International World Water Day, designated by the United Nations, was commemorated in 1993. For more information about World Water Day and how you can help in your community click on this link World Water Day.