Do you buy bottled water?
Walk into a deli and buy a 600ml bottle of water and it will set you back $2.50 to $3.50. Petrol is less expensive than that. An average price is $0.85 cents per 600ml.
And yet we Australians still spend over $500 million on plastic bottled water every year creating over 60,000 tons of greenhouse gases.
We use over 460,000 barrels of oil just to manufacture and transport these plastic bottles to contain this water. Over 60% of these bottles end up in landfill or in our waterways and then into the sea.
Did you know that if you recycle just one plastic bottle it will save enough energy to power a television for 90 minutes. Recycling can make a difference. Not buying plastic water bottles makes a bigger difference.
So what can you do about it? Purchase an inexpensive stainless steel drinking container and refill it everyday with fresh, clean water from your Southern Cross Pottery Filter.
And save a dolphin in the process.