
Is your tap water killing you?

This week I decided to remove an old pond in the back of the garden.  It had been there for years and was really quite forgotten. The goldfish had long gone to “fish heaven” so it was time to turn it into a flower bed.

It was a concrete pond so removing it was going to a bit a of task…but I was well prepared. First came the water plants that had almost completely overgrown the pond. Then it was time to drain the murky water out but as I was doing this tadpoles starting coming to the surface.

Being a bit of a wildlife advocate I decided the best thing to do would be to pop them into a glass of water and take them to the local stream. I went into the house and poured a glass of water from our tap…not too hot…not too cold and into that I popped all twelve “taddies”.

I placed the glass in a cool sheltered location and watched them swim around for a while before I remembered that I was the designated “handyman” for the day and the pond would not wait.

Well, the pond took about an hour to break up and fill with some mulch that Bunnings had provided. I then went back to inspect my newly acquired aquatic family. To my horror every little tadpole was dead. I looked around for the culprit but found none. The water came from the tap. It was fresh…the glass had been rinsed, there was no immediate answer until I googled the question “tadpole…tap water”

The answer was fluoride and chlorine in the tap water…it kills them dead! Fish will also die if you place them in tap water.

So the question is, “what is tap water doing to our bodies especially young children and babies?”

If you want to be safe and sure about the water you drink, maybe it’s time to invest in a ceramic water filter.  After all, your tap water could be killing you!
