Drink more water in hot weather
In this hot climate of ours the message out there is clear, you need to stay hydrated…drink more water.
During hot spells means busy times for paramedics as they get a lot of heat related illnesses when the heat rises. The young and the old are most susceptible and the key was keeping up the fluids.
We all dehydrate quickly in hot weather but kids and elderly more so. People dehydrate quickly when they’re sick.
There are signs and symptoms of dehydration trouble including headache, lethargy, fatigue and feeling faint. Our bodies are made of 70% water so when we don’t drink water we suffer the effects of that, the end result being dehydration; we can even go into shock.
In hot and humid weather drinking eight glasses of water a day may not be enough if you are outside working and sweating.
And don’t think that by drinking fizzy drinks and coffee and tea will help…it needs to be water.
So the message is, in hot weather drink more water. And if you are smart that water will be filtered water to remove all the contaminants.